Bringing back the joy!
It’s that time of year again where we make a mental list of all those things we want to change about ourselves. All those parts we deem to be in need of change because for some reason we have decided we don’t measure up in that area.
This is my second year of NOT making resolutions. Instead of focusing on what I want to change I’m putting my attention on what I want to create and bring to my life.
Rather than making choices about what I want to move away from I’m making choices on what I want to move towards.
Not sure about you, but I find when I make resolutions they are frequently big and bold, require drastic change and fit the all or nothing approach. Go to the gym 5 times a week, throw out the entire contents of my fridge and declutter the whole house TODAY are some great resolutions from my past.
What I discovered is when I’m feeling my best and experiencing joy in my day, then I am propelled to make the changes I want to see throughout the year.
It’s as if the good energy I’m creating attracts the abundance I am seeking.
Which makes me wonder whether we are getting it round the wrong way. Isn’t the change we seek about wanting to feel different from how we are currently feeling? So what if we started with that? What if we focused on creating those feelings first before we set out to make changes?
I know for me when I enjoy activities that make me feel great my whole spirit changes. From that place making decisions, new intentions and actions are so much easier and everlasting.
So where do you begin? A place to start might be to consider incorporating joy into your daily life.
What do you love to do that brings you joy and makes you feel light and happy?
I’m not talking about grand events and weekends away although they are certainly joyful. Sometimes we are so busy in task mode and living our life that we forget about the small things that bring us joy. Those moments which just make you feel good!
Have you ever thought about ditching the New Year’s resolutions in favour of writing a list of the small things that make you feel alive?
I’ll share some of mine to get you started.
Open the blinds and the let the sunshine in…even though this makes me realise the windows need cleaning.
Put on some music when you are home alone or with the family and have a dance, (particularly fun with a 7 year old)
Listen to your favourite singer in the car…really loud! You all know who I would choose.
See a movie with a friend – regularly.
Listen to HayHouse Radio.
Meet someone for a coffee – doesn’t have to be a whole day event.
Walk on the beach.
Listen to a podcast.
Do a puzzle on the floor with Charlie.
Play a family game of Uno.
Look at some old photos from my teenage years, always good for a laugh.
Step outside at sunset and just look up.
Sit in the garden with a cup of tea. Actually sit…don’t read, look at my phone. Just sit.
Of course I could add meditation, exercise and eating well. We all know they lead to a balanced life, but what I’m getting at are the little things you can add. The small steps that lead to greater transformation. The tiny adjustments that even the busiest of women can find time for. Just recently I put fortnightly movie nights in my diary to catch up with a good friend. It is 3 hours a fortnight and we both love and look forward to it. I’m also going to bed half an hour earlier to read a book and get in the zone for a good sleep. Again, keep them simple so they are achievable.
From this place of joy is where I find the momentum to make change.
I could slip back into old habits whereby I vow to shed the dessert kilos I’ve added over Christmas but I would be coming from a place of shame and not feeling good about myself. Or I could focus on bringing the joy back, deliberately including it, scheduling it and feeling it so that the healthier lifestyle seems like the next logical step.
For me it is about being connected to what makes me feel good and making sure I am having some of that in my life!
What brings you joy? What makes you feel good and alive?
Do you have some of that in your day, your week or even your resolutions if you must?
Create a list for yourself by starting with 2-3 things you could include this coming week. Keep them small and if you find them getting too big, break it down into smaller bites.
If you are feeling overwhelmed already by resolutions just put them aside for a while, don’t dismiss them, and think about the person who is trying to achieve them.
Is she coming from a place of joy?